Farmers, Cows, and Sheep - Oh My!
Enjoy the wild and mundane adventures of farming with the Blue Ox farmers - our Instagram feed is full of tiny wonders and big excitement... See the most recent news from the farm:
Merger-Moratorium Bill Needed
September | 2018
Wisconsin Farmers Union members present U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan with a Golden Triangle Award for his work introducing a bill that would pause corporate mergers in food and agriculture businesses while anti-trust oversight research and planning is done.
Local Vendor Spotlight
Sept | 2012
Menomonie Market Morsel
One of our local food co-ops came to the farm to help their members get to know their local producers better.
MOSES Has New Executive Director
Dec | 20219
Morning Ag Clips
Farmer Lauren steps into the new role of Executive Director at the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) - a nonprofit offering peer-to-peer education for farmers interested in organic, sustainable, regenerative, and financially supportive models of agriculture.
Couple Gets Fresh Start With Organic Farm
Jan | 2014
The Leader Telegram
An interview by Nate Jackson with your steadfast farmers about their land access story.
Protecting the Water,
Protecting the Land
Nov | 2016
LSP Ear to the Ground Blog
Your steadfast farmers draw correlations between the Standing Rock Tribe's struggle to prevent a pipeline on their land - with the struggle at Blue Ox to fight an eminent domain threat for a natural gas pipeline through the farm.
Preserving Traditions And Creating Opportunities Through Seed Saving
Sept | 2012
Second Opinion Magazine
Farmer Caleb shares the importance and a general overview of seed saving.